About QIDC


Innovating Low Emissions Mobility and Power Generation


Automotive, Transportation, Maritime, Military & Generators.

Quantum Industrial Development Corporation is a science, engineering, and technology company.

Quantum Industrial Development Corporation is a science, engineering, and technology company.

We have integrated and innovated systems to create the APEX PowerTrain. The APEX system is a fuel efficiency and emissions breakthrough for hybrid propulsion technology. It is fuel agnostic, scalable, and grid independent. The APEX PowerTrain system is a hybrid powertrain design and has applications across virtually every propulsion platform, including automotive, locomotive, maritime, and beyond.

QIDC is working with the NASA designed Stirling automotive engine and is building prototypes for several different classes of automotive use. The company has developed an intellectual property portfolio of comprehensive hybrid systems and control algorithms in collaboration with Texas A&M University-San Antonio. QIDC and TAMU-SA are in collaboration with the Army Research Lab, Aberdeen, MD.

QIDC has filed more than 16 patents and has established numerous trade secrets. The team assembled by QIDC is composed of world-class scientists, engineers, and executives all of whom are experts in their fields.

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